Identifying Black Mold

Mold can cause adverse reactions in people who have allergies or weakened immune systems. Black mold can be extremely hazardous and tough to remove. Learn how to identify black mold so you can eliminate it.


How to Use Expanding Foam Insulation Around the House

Insulating expanding foam sealant can reduce sound transfer, stabilize a wobbly showerhead, or even secure fragile items for shipping. However, it shouldn't be used for all DIY projects and can be more troublesome than helpful. Learn about this innovative product and proper use.


The Cost for Mold Remediation

Factors that impact mold growth and mold removal include the location and type of the mold, size of the problem, and how the mold needs to be remediated. Remediating mold can be as simple as a bleach wash or as complex as removing drywall and tile to deep clean beneath the surface - all having an impact on cost.


The Cost for a Mold Inspection

Moisture in a home can lead to mold growth. Bathrooms are particularly susceptible due to constant steam and dry cycles, as well as kitchen vents, air ducts, and anywhere a pipe or appliance is slowly leaking. Mold can grow quickly [...]


Using Vinegar to Kill Mold

Vinegar has antifungal and antibacterial properties that can kill mold. For example, white vinegar can be used to clean, deodorize, and disinfect around the house, and can kill black mold which commonly results from water damage. Learn how you can use vinegar to kill mold on different surface types.


How Long Does Caulk Take to Dry

Understand the difference between “dry time” and “cure time” when it comes to caulking. Most products become dry to the touch after several minutes, but don’t fully cure for days. Learn about factors that determine the dry-time for caulk.


Solved! What Does Mold Smell Like?

Mold creates a stale, damp scent and the smell is a first sign of mold or mildew. Homeowners should identify the source of the smell and cause of the mold quickly, and remediate the mold as soon as possible as waiting to address the issue can result in a more arduous removal process.


Identifying Black Mold and Why Remediate

Black mold usually appears as a black stain in a high-moisture area. It is most commonly found in bathrooms or other areas with damp conditions, poor ventilation, and high temperatures; damp basements, kitchens, and laundry rooms. If a homeowner finds black mold, remediation will depend on how significant the spread is.


Things You Can’t Clean With All-Purpose Cleaner

All-purpose cleaner isn’t ideal for every surface in your home. These cleaning solutions work well on most household surfaces, but in some instances, they may not do the best job, or may cause damage. To prevent staining, discoloration, and other problems, never clean these surfaces with an all-purpose cleaner.

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